+Carbonilos en la atmósfera y sus efectos en la salud
1. Inicio
2. Posibles efectos en la salud
3. Estudios de carbonilos realizados en México
4. Conclusiones
5. Referencias
+Biotecnología: una oportunidad para México
1. Inicio
2. Ingenierización de la biología
3. Origen y despegue de la biotecnología
4. Aprender de la naturaleza para romper paradigmas
5. Bioingeniería en economías emergentes
6. Oportunidades para México
7. Referencias
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+Observatorio Jacques-Yves Cousteau
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armando p. bÁez, MA. DEL CARMEN TORRES B.

1. A. P. Báez, Hugo Padilla, Rocío García, Ma. del Carmen Torres, Irma Rosas y Raúl Belmont. “Carbonyl Levels in Indoor and Outdoor Air in Mexico City and Xalapa, Mexico”. The Science of the Total Environment, 302, (2003): 211-226.

2. ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry). Public Health Assessment Guidance Manual. Atlanta, GA., USA: Web site: <>.

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4. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). “Overall Evaluations on Carcinogenicity to Humans”. Monographs Series, Lyon, France, vol. 88, (2004).

5. Armando P. Báez, Ma. del Carmen B. Torres., Rocío M. García, Hugo. G. Padilla. “Carbonyls Levels in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City: Calculation of the Total Photolytic Rate Constants and Photolytic Life Time of Ambient Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde”. Environmental
Science and Pollution Research
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8. Armando P. Báez, María del Carmen Torres, Rocío García, Hugo Padilla and Raúl Belmont. “Measurement of Carbonyls in Three Urban Zones of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area and One Rural Zone”. The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, 2, (2008): 61-67.

9. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu. “Characteristics of Carbonyls Compounds in Public Vehicles of Beijing City: Concentrations, Sources, and Personal Exposures”. Atmospheric Environment, 41, (2007): 1819-1824.

10. M. H. Garret, M. A. Hooper, P. R. Rayment, and M. J. Abramson, M.J. “Increase Risk of Allergy in Children Due to Formaldehyde Exposure in Homes”. Allergy, vol. 54, 4, (1999): pp. 330-337.
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