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JosÉ LÓpez Bucio

alcamidas: hacia la nueva era agrÍcola

Bibliografía recomendada

•  Blancaflor, E., et al . " Elevated levels of N-lauroylethanolamine, an endogenous constituent of dessicated seeds, disrupt normal root development in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings ". Planta. 2003. 217: 206-217.

•  Ramirez Chávez, E., et al . " Alkamides isolated from plants promote growth and alter root development in Arabidopsis " . Plant Physiol . 2004. 134: 1058-1068.

•  Chapman, K. D. " Occurrence, metabolism and prospective functions of N-acylethanolamines in plants " . Prog. Lipids Res . 2004. 43: 302-317 .

•  Raduner, S. et al. " Alkilamides from Echinacea are a new class of cannabinomimetics " . J. Biol. Chem. 2006. 281: 14192-14206.

•  López-Bucio, J., et al. "Novel signals for plant development." Curr. Op. Plant Biol . 2006. 9: 523-529.

El chilcuague: hiperacumulador de alcamidas
Efectos de las alcamidas

Interacción celular
Potencial biotecnológico



desarrollado por quadrato